Australia Australia Australia

Friday, August 18, 2006

AMAZING night!

Tonight, Sarah, Claire, Erin, Lea, Molly, Katie and I went to "The Boy From Oz", starring Hugh Jackman. Amazing. Absolutely amazing! The musical has been on Broadway in NYC for the last 6 years, and Hugh Jackman won a Tony for his performance. It's Australian written, about Peter Allan (who was a famous Australian music writer and performer), and is performed by mostly Australians. The performance was so impressive, and energetic and exciting. We got all dressed up and it was so fun to go into the city. The show was at the Rod Laver Arena, which is where the Australian Open is held. The musical was written for performance in an arena, so it was great.
Anyway, you should all check out the website ( and then I'll talk to you even more about the show!


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